Memory phrase for the Kanji: 舞


Meaning dance, circle, wheel




Top: dancer 無 (originally the image of dancers lined up), below: 舛 = variants of feet 夕/止, in opposed positions


Dancers with opposed feet are dancing in a circle.


variation of footsThe radical maiashi shows two variants of foot 夕/止 with the meaning "standing opposed"
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


振舞う ふるまう  to behave, to conduct oneself, to entertain
舞う まう  to dance, to flutter about, to revolve
舞台 ぶたい  stage (theatre)
見舞い みまい  enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern
見舞う みまう  to ask after (health), to visit
お見舞い おみまい  calling on someone who is ill, enquiry

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