Memory phrase for the Kanji: 綱


Meaning cable, line, rope




Left: thread 糸, right: hill 岡 (Caught in a trawl/dragnet 罒 (with pull lines 冂) the mountain 山 turns into a hill.)


If you have as many threads like a "hill", it could be a rope.


HillSometimes used for trawl, namely a net 罒 on two trawl ropes 冂 in which fish is caught "mountain-like" 山, such as in rope 綱.
eyes, (net)The Radical yongashira shows the picture of an eye, whereas eye is also: 目. In some combinations this radical is seen as a net for fishing.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


横綱 よこづな  sumo grand champion
つな  rope

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