Memory phrase for the Kanji: 結


Meaning tie, knot, fasten, join


musubu, yuu


Left: thread , right: luck/joy (A samurai with a full mouth is happy .)


Threads of joy tie us.


good luckSamurai , below: Mouth (This radical is a simplification of , where the samurai has a bean in his mouth and is happy).
SamuraiNot mistake with earth, ground:
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


結ぶ むすぶ  to tie, to bind, to link
結論 けつろん  conclusion
結婚 けっこん  marriage
結構 けっこう  splendid, nice, wonderful, tolerably
結核 けっかく  tuberculosis, tubercule
結果 けっか  result, consequence
結束 けっそく  union, unity
結晶 けっしょう  crystal, crystallization
結成 けっせい  formation

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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