Memory phrase for the Kanji: 福


Meaning luck, good fortune




Left: to show, altar 示/礻 (image of an altar 丁 with sth. 一 on, that is shown), right: barrel of sake 畐 (an altar offering, hence also: prosperity, luck)


At the altar a sake-barrel, brings us: good luck.


to show, altarThe radical shimesu is a simplification of "to show" 示, which is a pictogram of an altar.
barrel of sakeDeveloped from the image of a sake barrel, which is a typical temple offering at New Year.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


ふく  good fortune
祝福 しゅくふく  blessing
福引 ふくびき  lottery; tombola; drawing​
幸福 こうふく  happiness, blessedness
福祉 ふくし  welfare, well-being
福岡県 ふくおかけん  Fukuoka Prefecture (Kyūshū)​

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