Memory phrase for the Kanji: 病


Meaning sick, illness


yamu, yamai


Outside: sickness, disease 疒 (An ice-冫-cold building 广 makes sick), below: No.3, third 丙 (One 一 outside and two λ inside 内 makes 3)


A disease where every third person gets sick.


illness, diseaseA combination of ice 冫and building 广.
third, 3rd, number 3Understand λ as two lines: One 一 outside, two λ inside 内 makes 3.
insideA person 人 under a cover 冂 is: inside.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


病む やむ  to fall ill, to be ill
病気 びょうき  illness, disease, sickness
病院 びょういん  hospital
糖尿病 とうにょうびょう  diabetes mellitus
仮病 けびょう  feigned illness
胃病 いびょう  stomach trouble
発病 はつびょう  attack (disease)
看病 かんびょう  nursing (a patient)
臆病 おくびょう  cowardice, timidity

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