Memory phrase for the Kanji: 産
産 |
| give birth to, produce
Pronunciation |
SAN umu |
Explanation |
From top: to stand 立, cliff 厂 and life 生 (The twig ノ at the growing plant stands for life.) |
Mnemonic |
She is standing on the cliff and gives life: She gives birth.
to stand | A person with wide hips 六 stands on the ground 一. |
cliff | The Radical gandare stands for cliff. Sometimes it is understood as a shield, like in 盾. |
live | Emphasis ノ and growing plant |
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
お産 |
おさん |
(giving) birth |
産む |
うむ |
to give birth, to deliver, to produce |
生産 |
せいさん・する |
to produce |
お土産 |
おみやげ |
present, souvenir |
産地 |
さんち |
producing area |
産業 |
さんぎょう |
production, industry |
不動産 |
ふどうさん |
real estate |
倒産 |
とうさん |
(corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency |
出産 |
しゅっさん |
(child)birth, delivery, production (of goods) |