Memory phrase for the Kanji: 現


Meaning present, appearance, exist, presence, revelation




Left: king 王, right: see 見 (= The eye 目 is on legs 儿 when looking around)


The king sees the present appearance.


kingThe three 三 spheres (heaven, earth and mankind) unite in the person of the king.
to seeThe wandering eye 目 on legs 儿 means to see.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


現す あらわす  to show, to indicate, to display
現れる あらわれる  to appear, to come in sight, to embody
現金 げんきん  cash, ready money, money in cash
現代 げんだい  nowadays, modern times, present-day
表現 ひょうげん  expression, presentation, representation (math)
現象 げんしょう  phenomenon
現行 げんこう  present, current, in operation
現状 げんじょう  present condition, existing state, status quo
現実 げんじつ  reality

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