Memory phrase for the Kanji: 犯


Meaning crime, commit, assault




Left: wild animal (dog on hind legs), right: slumped person


A dog protects a slumped person from a crime.


(wild) animalThe radical kemono shows a dog on the hind legs.
collapsed Person(Further radicals with „person“ are: sitting , sitting cross-legged , lying , kneeling , skilled , bending ,, or husband )
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


犯す おかす  to commit, to perpetrate, to violate, to rape
犯罪 はんざい  crime
犯人 はんにん  offender, criminal
防犯 ぼうはん  prevention of crime

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

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