Memory phrase for the Kanji: 無


Meaning none, not, naught, nil


nai, nashi


Top: dancer (originally image of dancers lined up, cf. dance 舞), bottom: fire 灬


A dancer in the fire? Not possible!


fireBoth the radicals renga 灬 and hi 火 are used for fire.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


無くす なくす  to lose something, to get rid of
無駄 むだ  futility, uselessness
無限 むげん  infinite
無理 むり  unreasonable, impossible
無礼 ぶれい  impolite, rude
無事 ぶじ  safety, peace, quietness
無言 むごん  silence
無線 むせん  wireless, radio
罪の無い つみのない  guiltless, innocent​

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