Memory phrase for the Kanji: 流


Meaning stream, flow, drift




Left: water 氵, right: newborn baby (child 子 turned upside down, because at birth with head first), water/amniotic fluid 川


Water as well as a newborn child's amniotic fluid are flowing.


waterThe radical sanzui 氵 is a short form of water 水
assign, fill (battery)
new born babyCharacter of 子, but upside down: The child comes at the birth with head first.
riverThe water 水 is simplified here as three lines and symbolizes the flow of the river.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


流れる ながれる  to stream, to flow, to run (ink), to be washed away
流す ながす  to drain, to float, to shed (blood, tears), to cruise (e.g. taxi)
流れ ながれ  stream, current
流派 りゅうは  school (e.g. of ikebana)
流浪する るろうする  wander, roam about
電流 でんりゅう  electric current
泥流 でいりゅう  (volcanic) mud flow, Mudslide
渓流 けいりゅう  mountain stream
直流 ちょくりゅう  direct current

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

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