Memory phrase for the Kanji: 歯


Meaning tooth




Top: to stop 止 (a foot with a lower line 一 to stop at), below: rice 米, container 凵


Stop at the rice container: There is sth. for the teeth! (Or: image of nose 止, mouth 凵 and teeth 米)


toothStop 止 at the rice 米 container 凵: There is sth. for the teeth.
riceThe rice plant has this radical: 禾
to stopAt top the picture of a left foot and at bottom a limiting line. "The foot stands at the line 一 and stops."
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


歯石 しせき  dental calculus (calcified deposits on teeth)
知歯 ちし  wisdom tooth
歯医者 はいしゃ  dentist
歯ブラシ はぶらし  toothbrush
虫歯 むしば  cavity, tooth decay, decayed tooth, caries
歯科 しか  dentistry
歯磨き はみがき  dentifrice, toothpaste
歯車 はぐるま  gear, cog-wheel

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