Memory phrase for the Kanji: 歩


Meaning walk


aruku, ayumu


Top: to stop 止 (= Image of the footprint of the right foot rotated 90° to the left.), bottom: few/little 少 (Such a small 小 stroke ノ is too little.)


Stop a little bit when walking.


to stopAt top the picture of a left foot and at bottom a limiting line. "The foot stands at the line 一 and stops."
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


歩く あるく  to walk
歩む あゆむ  to walk, to go on foot
散歩 さんぽ  walk, stroll
歩道 ほどう  footpath, walkway, sidewalk
横断歩道 おうだんほどう  pedestrian crossing
徒歩 とほ  walking, going on foot
譲歩 じょうほ  concession, conciliation, compromise
進歩 しんぽ  progress, development
歩み あゆみ  walking, progress

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