Memory phrase for the Kanji: 機


Meaning loom, machine, chance, quantifier




Left: tree , right: several (Two threads / were cut by a person with a halberd into several.)


The needed trees are several for a machine. - Or: Made of wood, with at least two threads in a rack and a person you get: a loom or machine.


several, how many
halberd, spear, lanceThis radical kanohoko stands for halberd and is rather similar to the sabre shikigamae Other radicals with weapons are:
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


はた  loom
待機 たいき  standby, await an opportunity, alert
機械 きかい  machine, mechanism
織機 しょっき  loom, weaving machine
複写機 ふくしゃき  photocopying machine, copier
飛行機 ひこうき  aeroplane
扇風機 せんぷうき  (electric) fan
交通機関 こうつうきかん  transportation facilities
危機 きき  crisis

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