Memory phrase for the Kanji: 様


Meaning alike, such, polite suffix (Gentleman), condition


sama, zama


Left: Tree , right: sheep and water


If you have trees, sheep and water you are a gentleman (or alike).


sheepPicture of the face of a sheep with two horns.
waterThe radical mizu stands for water. It is commonly used in its short form .
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


さま  way, manner, kind, Mr., Mrs..... (polite expression)
王様 おうさま  king
様子 ようす  state, situation, circumstances
逆様 さかさま  inversion, upside down
神様 かみさま  god
殿様 とのさま  feudal lord
模様 もよう  pattern, figure, design
様相 ようそう  aspect
様々 さまざま  varied, various

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