Mnemonic |
业 | hollow | Image of a hollow volcano vent |
羊 | sheep | Picture of the face of a sheep with two horns. |
営業 | えいぎょう | business, trade, management |
職業 | しょくぎょう | occupation, business |
残業する | ざんぎょうする | to work overtime |
事業 | じぎょう | project, enterprise, business |
交代操業 | こうたいそうぎょう | working in shifts |
兼業 | けんぎょう | side line, second business |
罷業 | ひぎょう | strike (in industry) |
卒業 | そつぎょう | graduation |
産業 | さんぎょう | production, industry |