Memory phrase for the Kanji: 晴


Meaning sunny, bright, clear up




Left: day/sun , right: young, blue (Growing plants appear in the moonshine as blue and young.)


Sunny and blue (sky) - It's sunny and the weather's cleared up.


day, sunThe radical nichi stands for sun and was originally a circle with an middle point.
blue, youngAt the top a growing plant (sometimes also or 丰, as with "life" ) and below the moon . Accordingly, growing plants appear in the moonlight: blue/green.
growing plant
monthThe radical tsuki stands for moon or month when used at the right side of a character. However the radical niku that stands for body or body-part is in many cases simplified to and thus looks equal as "moon".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


晴れ はれ  clear weather
晴れる はれる  to clear up, to be sunny, to stop raining
快晴 かいせい  good weather
晴天 せいてん  fine weather
素晴らしい すばらしい  wonderful, splendid, magnificent
見晴らし みはらし  view

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