Memory phrase for the Kanji: 教


Meaning teach




Left: filial duty 孝 (An old man 耂 with a stick/cane ノ teaches them to a child 子.), right: strike 攵 (hand with a stick ノ)


The old man strikes the child with a stick in the hand when teaching.


filial duty
Stick in a handThe radical nobun shows a hand or 又 that holds a stick ノ (simplified from the Chinese radical 66 攴 for whip or rap. In this radical, the stick 卜 in the hand 又 is easily cognizable.)
old manWith the radical oigashira, an old man seems to be support himself with his stick ノ on the ground 土?
childThe radical ko shows the image of a child with a large head and outstretched arms.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


教える おしえる  to teach, to inform, to instruct
教わる おそわる  to be taught
教室 きょうしつ  classroom
教師 きょうし  teacher (classroom)
儒教 じゅきょう  Confucianism
仏教 ぶっきょう  Buddhism
教科書 きょうかしょ  text book
宗教 しゅうきょう  religion
助教授 じょきょうじゅ  assistant professor

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