Memory phrase for the Kanji: 手


Meaning hand, means





Image of a hand's palm with fingers spread and a wrinkle in the palm (There are various radicals for hand: 扌, 又,爫, ,ナ or 寸)


handSeveral characters are used for hand: ナ, 扌,手, ヨ
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


お手洗い おてあらい  bathroom
 hand, arm
空手 からて  Karate
歌手 かしゅ  singer
手帳 てちょう  notebook
手伝う てつだう  to help, to assist, to take part in
手紙 てがみ  letter
相手 あいて  companion, partner, other party, addressee
切手 きって  stamp

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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