Memory phrase for the Kanji: 慣


Meaning become used to, be accustomed




Left: feelings 忄, right: to pierce 貫 (Mother's 母 money 貝 is pierced.)


My feelings were pierced, but I get used to it.


feelingsRadical name: risshin
motherShows a woman 女 with a longer right stroke ノ and with two dots : which are swollen breasts of a nursing (breast-feeding) mother.
moneyShows a cowries-shell, which were used as money.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


慣らす ならす  to accustom
慣れる なれる  to grow accustomed to
習慣 しゅうかん  custom, habit, manners
慣れ なれ  practice, experience
慣例 かんれい  custom, tradition, precedent, of convention
慣習 かんしゅう  usual (historical) custom
慣行 かんこう  customary practice, habit, traditional event
見慣れる みなれる  to become used to seeing

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