Memory phrase for the Kanji: 愛


Meaning love




From top: hand reaching down 爫, cover 冖, heart 心, sitting cross-legged 夂 (or upturned foot)


A hand reaching down to cover the heart of the person sitting cross-legged: That is love.


grap downwardsThe radical notsu shows a hand which is reaching downwards.
coverThe radical wakanmuri is seen as a cover, but sometimes also considered to be a table. (Other covers are: , 亠 )
heartImage of a heart with coronary arteries.
crossed legsThis radical is understood as sitting with crossed legs or upturned foot.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


あい  love
愛情 あいじょう  love, affection
仁愛 じんあい  benevolence, charity, philanthropy, benevolence
愛称 あいしょう  nickname, pet name
恋愛 れんあい  love, passion, emotion, affections
愛する あいする  to love
愛想 あいそう  courtesy, compliments, sociability, civility
愛想 あいそ  civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces
愛憎 あいにく  likes and dislikes

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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