Memory phrase for the Kanji: 御


Meaning respectful expression, handle, drive, control


o(n)-, mi-


Left: go 彳, right: wholesale 卸 (A noon-午-break 止 for the bowed person 卩 from the wholesale)


I go (to the wholesaler) at noon, stop and bow, because I am respectful.


to walkRadical gyounin This is the half form of 行 gyougamae
noonCompare with "box" 缶 [かま, カン], which shows a pestle 午 in a mortar 凵. Just as the pestle is vertical in the mortar, the sun is vertical at noon.
bending personThis radical is typically described as "seal". However for the mnemonics the meaning "bending person" appears to be better.
to stopAt top the picture of a left foot and at bottom a limiting line. "The foot stands at the line 一 and stops."
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


御飯 ごはん  rice (cooked), meal
朝御飯 あさごはん  breakfast
晩御飯 ばんごはん  dinner, evening meal
御握り おにぎり  onigiri, riceball
御辞儀 おじぎ  bow
昼御飯 ひるごはん  lunch, midday meal
御世辞 おせじ  flattery, compliment
御中 おんちゅう  and Company, Messrs.

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