Memory phrase for the Kanji: 後


Meaning delayed, after, later, back


ushiro, ato, nochi, okureru


Left: walking , right: a variation of thread , crossed legs (= here together as: thread around the legs)


He walks with tied legs (= thread around crossed-legs) and thus is: delayed.


to walkRadical gyounin This is the half form of gyougamae
crossed legsThis radical is understood as sitting with crossed legs or upturned foot.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


うしろ  afterwards, since then, in the future
後回し あとまわし  postponing, putting off
後悔 こうかい  regret, repentance
午後 ごご  afternoon, p.m., pm
最後 さいご  end, last, conclusion
以後 いご  after this, from now on, hereafter, thereafter
今後 こんご  from now on, hereafter
前後 ぜんご  around, throughout, front and back, approximately
後退 こうたい  retreat, backspace (BS) at keyboard

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