Memory phrase for the Kanji: 弾


Meaning play (an instrument), bullet, shot, spring, play


hiku, hazumu, tama


Left: bow , right: single, merely (It shines the sun in the group of ten [= with 9 planets] as the mere single.)


The bow is unique to play an instrument or to make a shot.


bowPictograph: bow without string.
simply, merelyIt shines the sun in a group of ten [with nine planets, including Pluto] as the mere single.
sun beams
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


弾劾 だんがい  impeachment; accusation; censure; denunciation.
弾丸 だんがん  bullet, shot
糾弾 きゅうだん  (public) accuse, Condemnation
たま  bullet, shot, shell
弾く はじく  to play (piano, guitar)
弾く ひく  to play (piano, guitar)
弾む はずむ  to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged
弾力 だんりょく  elasticity, flexibility
爆弾 ばくだん  bomb

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