Memory phrase for the Kanji: 帳


Meaning registry, notebook




Left: cloth , right: long (mane and clothes )


Cloth that was very long was formerly used for taking notes and as a registry.


cloth, width [はば] means width. The trainer also understands it as: "cloth".
longThis radical has a similarity to horse , where the horse's long mane blows in the wind. At “long ” please think to long clothing blowing in the wind.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


手帳 てちょう  notebook
単語帳 たんごちょう  vocabulary notebook
几帳面 きちょうめん  methodical, punctual, steady
通帳 つうちょう  passbook
とばり  curtain, hanging, bunting​
電話帳 でんわちょう  telephone book, telephone directory

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