Memory phrase for the Kanji: 師


Meaning teacher, expert, master, reverend




Commander 帥 (A buttocks in cloth , that's the commander!) and upper right additional: cane


A commander with a cane feels like a teacher and expert.


buttocksPlease note the similarity with: connected rooms
cloth, width [はば] means width. The trainer also understands it as: "cloth".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


看護師 かんごし  (hospital) nurse, registered nurse
教師 きょうし  teacher (classroom)
漁師 りょうし  fisherman
医師 いし  doctor, physician
技師 ぎし  engineer, technician
牧師 ぼくし  pastor, minister, clergyman
講師 こうし  lecturer
甲冑師 かっちゅうし  armorer, armourer

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