Memory phrase for the Kanji: 屋


Meaning building, shop




Outside: buttocks 尸 (in side view), below: reach-a-target 至 (From the sky 一 an arrow ム comes to the ground 土: falling back)


His buttocks reaches the shop.


buttocks (in a side view)The radical shikabane has the meaning: corpse 尸. But because of its use in tail 尾, buttocks 尻 or urine 尿, it is generally considered to mean "buttocks".
reach (a target)Shows an arrow, falling to the ground and thus reached its target.
earthground, soil
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


居酒屋 いざかや  japanese style bar
数奇屋 すきや  Arbor for the tea ceremony
飯屋 めしや  eating house, restaurant with simple food
屋根 やね  roof
部屋 へや  room
花屋 はなや  florist
床屋 とこや  barber, barber shop
屋上 おくじょう  rooftop
八百屋 やおや  greengrocer

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