Memory phrase for the Kanji: 寧


Meaning rather, better, preferably, instead, peaceful




From top: roof 宀, heart 心, eye 罒, city block 丁 (Here as a nail like at 'to strike' 打)


A roof for my heart and eye instead of this nail is what I rather need to be peaceful.


ceilingRadical: ukanmuri
heartImage of a heart with coronary arteries.
eyes, (net)The Radical yongashira shows the picture of an eye, whereas eye is also: 目. In some combinations this radical is seen as a net for fishing.
nail, block of houses
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


丁寧 ていねい  polite, courteous, careful, kind
寧ろ むしろ  rather, better, instead

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