Memory phrase for the Kanji: 害


Meaning harm, injury, damage




From top: roof 宀, growing plant in a pot 口 (alternative: simplification of poison 毒)


The roof has - by the growing potted plant - been damaged.


damageIf the growing plant in the flower pot 口 becomes too large and reaches the roof 宀, it can cause damage.
ceilingRadical: ukanmuri
growing plant
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


弊害 へいがい  harmful effect; harmful influence
がい  injury, harm, evil influence, damage
害する がいする  to injure, to damage, to harm, to kill, to hinder
災害 さいがい  calamity, disaster, misfortune
被害 ひがい  damage
公害 こうがい  pollution, public nuisance
利害 りがい  advantages and disadvantages, interest
危害 きがい  injury, harm, danger
妨害 ぼうがい  disturbance, obstruction, hindrance

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