Memory phrase for the Kanji: 学


Meaning learn, study, scholarship




From top: light, rays , cover 冖 (Here: crown ), child 子 (Image of a child with an oversized head 乛, a body 丿 and two outstretched arms 一)


It's the crown over the child when it is busy in learning.


childThe radical ko shows the image of a child with a large head and outstretched arms.
sun beams
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


入学 にゅうがく・する  to enter school or university
人文科学 じんぶんかがく  cultural science
中学校 ちゅうがっこう  junior high school, middle school
がく  learning, scholarship, erudition, knowledge
学ぶ まなぶ  to study (in depth), to learn, to take lessons in
入学 にゅうがく  entry to school or university, matriculation
見学 けんがく  inspection, study by observation, field trip
留学生 りゅうがくせい  overseas student
小学校 しょうがっこう  primary school, elementary school

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