Memory phrase for the Kanji: 字
字 |
| letter, character, writing
Pronunciation |
Explanation |
Top: roof 宀, bottom: child 子 (Image of a child with an oversized head 乛, a body 丿 and two outstretched arms 一 seeking help) |
Under the roof a child is sitting to study the letters / characters.
ceiling | Radical: ukanmuri |
child | The radical ko shows the image of a child with a large head and outstretched arms. |
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
ローマ字 |
ローマじ |
romanization, Roman letters |
字 |
じ |
character, hand-writing |
字幕 |
じまく |
Subtitle |
漢字 |
かんじ |
Chinese characters, kanji |
名字 |
みょうじ |
surname, family name |
字 |
あざ |
a section, township |
赤字 |
あかじ |
deficit, go in the red |
英字 |
えいじ |
English letter (character) |
数字 |
すうじ |
numeral, figure |
At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link. |