Memory phrase for the Kanji: 変


Meaning strange, change, alter




Top: var. of red 赤 (When clay/earth 土 is burned in fire 灬, the pottery gets: red), bottom: upturned foot 夂 (also sitting cross-legged)


The red upturned foot looks strange. This has to be changed.


redWhen earth 土 (clay) is burned 灬, the pottery becomes red.
crossed legsThis radical is understood as sitting with crossed legs or upturned foot.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


大変 たいへん  very, greatly, immense, enormous
へん  odd, queer, change, disturbance
変える かえる  to change (actively), to alter, to vary
変わる かわる  to change (by itself), to be transformed, to be revised, to be different
変化 へんか  change, variation, inflection
一変 いっぺん  complete change, about-face
変動 へんどう  change, fluctuation
変更 へんこう  change, modification, alteration
変遷 へんせん  change, transition, vicissitudes

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