Memory phrase for the Kanji: 壊


Meaning demolition, break, destroy, ruin




Left: earth 土, right: ten 十, eye 罒, clothes 衣


Earth in ten eyes and on the clothes: A lot was demolished.


earthground, soil
eyes, (net)The Radical yongashira shows the picture of an eye, whereas eye is also: 目. In some combinations this radical is seen as a net for fishing.
clothingThe radical koromo 衣 is also used in a simplified form as 巾.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


破壊 はかい  destruction
壊す こわす  to break, to break down
壊れる こわれる  to be broken, to break
崩壊 ほうかい  collapse, decay (physics), crumbling, breaking down

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