Memory phrase for the Kanji: 在


Meaning be, exist, countryside




Outside: var. of talent (If the big man balances on one foot, he is talented.), below: earth


The best talents on earth exist in the countryside.


talentWhen the big person is balancing on one leg, he is talented.
earthground, soil
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


在る ある  to live, to be (normally in hiragana)
在庫 ざいこ  stockpile, stock
不在 ふざい  absence
健在 けんざい  in good health, well
在学 ざいがく  (enrolled) in school
存在 そんざい  existence, being
所在 しょざい  whereabouts
滞在 たいざい  stay, sojourn
現在 げんざい  present, up to now, nowadays, current

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