Memory phrase for the Kanji: 園


Meaning garden, park




Outside: enclosure 囗, inside: (Chinese only) long robe 袁 (Down to the ground 土 extends the sleeve 口 of this clothes 衣.)


Within this enclosure they wear long robes: in the park.


enclosureThe radical kunigamae surrounds/encloses further components and thus differs from the simple square that stands for mouth 口.
long robe
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


公園 こうえん  (public) park
エデンの園 えでんのその  Garden of Eden
遊園 ゆうえん  playground (for children), park
動物園 どうぶつえん  zoo, zoological gardens
植物園 しょくぶつえん  botanical garden
卒園式 そつえんしき  kindergarten graduation ceremony​
園芸 えんげい  horticulture, gardening
幼稚園 ようちえん  kindergarten
田園 でんえん  country, rural districts

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