Memory phrase for the Kanji: 商


Meaning trade, business, sell




Var. of emperor with long coat and mouth . Better to consider a vendor behind a sales desk with some goods (cf. to sell )


A vendor at the sales desk with goods means: trade.


emperorStand up and cover with cloth , the emperor comes. Sometimes it is mixed with "old" to become the old emperor like at rival 敵.
mouthA small square stands for the mouth, and a big square is an enclosure.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


商う あきなう  to trade in (commercial goods)
商店街 しょうてんがい  shopping district, downtown
商品 しょうひん  commodity, article of commerce, goods, stock, merchandise
商い あきない  trade, business, dealing
商業 しょうぎょう  trade, commerce, business
商人 しょうにん  trader, shopkeeper, merchant
商売 しょうばい  trade, business, commerce, transaction, occupation
商店 しょうてん  shop, business firm
商社 しょうしゃ  trading company, firm

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