Memory phrase for the Kanji: 単


Meaning merely, simply, single, only




From top: rays of light , sun 日, ten 十


It shines the sun in a group of ten (= with the 9 planets) as the single one.


sun beams
simply, merelyIt shines the sun 日 in a group of ten 十 [with nine planets, including Pluto] as the mere single.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


簡単 かんたん  simple
たん  prefix for: single
単価 たんか  unit price, unit cost
単語帳 たんごちょう  vocabulary notebook
単なる たんなる  mere, simple, sheer
単に たんに  simply, merely, only, solely
単一 たんいつ  single, simple, sole, individual, unitory
単位 たんい  unit, denomination, credit (in school)
単数 たんすう  singular (number)

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