Memory phrase for the Kanji: 務


Meaning duty, work, play your part




Left: spear (developed from the image of a barbed lance [not to be mistaken with 'beforehand': ]), right: hit/strike (hand with a stick ), strength/force


The spear hits with force: That's its duty.


barbed lanceThe radical munohoko shows a barbed lance. Do not mistake with prior/beforehand . Other radicals with weapons are:
Stick in a handThe radical nobun shows a hand or that holds a stick (simplified from the Chinese radical 66 攴 for whip or rap. In this radical, the stick in the hand is easily cognizable.)
power force
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


務める つとめる  to work (for), to endeavor, to be diligent
義務 ぎむ  duty, obligation, responsibility
事務所 じむしょ  office
税務署 ぜいむしょ  tax office
公務員 こうむいん  government worker, public (civil) servant
庶務 しょむ  general affairs
事務机 じむつくえ  office desk
事務 じむ  business, office work
任務 にんむ  duty, function, office, mission, task

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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