Memory phrase for the Kanji: 動


Meaning move




Left: heavy 重 (composed of vehicle 車 with double wheels), right: strength/power 力 (hand/arm with biceps ノ)


For a heavy vehicle, you need force to move it.


moveFor heavy 重 things, such as vehicles 車 with double 二 wheels, you need power 力 to move them.
heavyA vehicle 車 with double 二 wheels is for the heavy.
power forceFor example, left 左 or right 右 is understood as a hand ナ with a forearm. If the other line is seen as a bicep, this can be understood as "force".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


動く うごく  to move, to stir, to shift, to shake, to swing, to be touched, to be influenced
挙動 きょどう  conduct, behavior
動物 どうぶつ  animal
自動車 じどうしゃ  automobile
動物園 どうぶつえん  zoo, zoological gardens
動向 どうこう  trend, tendency, movement
動力 どうりょく  power, motive power, dynamic force
不動産 ふどうさん  real estate
動き うごき  movement, activity, trend, development, change

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