Memory phrase for the Kanji: 割


Meaning ratio, rate, divide


wari, waru


Left: damage (The roof has by the growing plant in a pot been: damaged.), right: knife


The damage by the knife was divided in the ratio (of 10%-steps).


damageIf the growing plant in the flower pot becomes too large and reaches the roof , it can cause damage.
cutVariation of sword
growing plant
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


割り勘 わりかん  splitting the bill, Dutch treat
割る わる  to divide, to cut, to break, to halve, to separate, to split, to rip
割と わりと  pretty, relative, proportionate, comparatively
割引き わりびき  discount, reduction, rebate
割算 わりざん  division (math)
割合に わりあいに  comparatively
割れる われる  to break, to split, to cleave, to fissure, to be smashed, to crack
割合 わりあい  rate, ratio, percentage, comparatively
割引 わりびき  discount, reduction, rebate

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