Memory phrase for the Kanji: 利


Meaning profit, benefit, gain




Left: rice plant 禾, right: knife 刂


Rice plants cut with a knife bring profit.


cutVariation of sword 刀
rice plantIt shows the ear/spike of a rice plant. The ripe rice-grain has this radical: 米.
Profit, benefit
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


便利 べんり  convenient, handy, useful
利益 りえき  profits, gains, (political, economic) interest
不利 ふり  disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, drawback
利子 りし  interest (bank)
利口 りこう  clever, shrewd, bright, sharp, wise, intelligent
利害 りがい  advantages and disadvantages, interest
利息 りそく  interest (bank)
利潤 りじゅん  profit, returns
利点 りてん  advantage, point in favor

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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