Memory phrase for the Kanji: 光


Meaning light, shine


hikari, hikaru


Top: variation of fire , bottom: two legs . The legs stand for transportability of the fire, such as in a lantern.


The fire which can be transported stands for light.


firePicture of a fire
moving feetRadical: hitoashi
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


暁光 ぎょうこう  the light of dawn, aurora
ひかり  light
光る ひかる  to shine, to glitter, to be bright
観光 かんこう  sightseeing
光栄 こうえい  honour, glory
光景 こうけい  scene, spectacle
光沢 こうたく  brilliance, polish, lustre, glossy finish (of photographs)
光熱費 こうねつひ  cost of fuel and light
光線 こうせん  beam, light ray

At this page you get the memory phrases for learning the Japanese Kanji. If you are learning the Chinese Hanzi, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radicals
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