Memory phrase for the Kanji: 争


Meaning dispute, compete, conflict, fight




Top: bent person ⺈, below: hand ナ/ヨ, stick 亅


The bent person with a stick in his hand is looking for a dispute.


kneeling person(Further radicals with „person“ are: sitting 匕, sitting cross-legged 夂, lying , skilled 才, bending マ,卩, slumped 㔾 or husband 夫)
Hand with stick
vertical line, sticksimilar to this radical:丨
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


争う あらそう  to dispute, to argue, to be at variance, to compete
戦争 せんそう  war
争い あらそい  dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest
抗争 こうそう  dispute, resistance
競争 きょうそう  competition, contest
紛争 ふんそう  dispute, trouble, strife
論争 ろんそう  controversy, dispute

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