왼쪽부터: 실 糸, 움직임 辶, 뾰족하고 바늘 같은 夆(자라나는 식물 丰 위에 책상다리를 하고 夂 앉으면 그 끝이 느껴진다. From left: thread 糸, movement 辶, pointed, needle-shaped 夆 (When sitting cross-legged 夂 on the peak of a growing plant 丰, you feel it pointed. )
실은 날카롭게(= 뾰족한 바늘이 제공됨) 바느질하는 동안 움직입니다: 바느질. The thread gets pointed (= provided with a pointed needle) and is moved when: sewing.